Friday, October 15, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 4

[Day 4]
Your parents

I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!

My parents were Harriet Evans Hodges Davis and
Lawrence Jefferson Davis, Jr.

When I was born, my mama was 44 years old and my daddy was 50 years old.  Of course, I was the youngest of five children, and according to my mama, she thought she was too old to have anymore children.  I guess you could say that I was a surprise!

My daddy died with I was four years old.  He was only 54 years old.

My mama lived until she was 80 years old.
She was a great mother to me and my sister and brothers.
We may not have had everything that we wanted, but we had what we needed.  We were taught right from wrong.  We were taught to be independent and to always do our best.  We were taught to behave and to be respectful.  To this day, I appreciate everything that I learned from my mama.  She definitely made me who I am today.

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