Sunday, July 3, 2011

10 Days of BS Challenge - Day 3

I'm linking up with Destiny, the Rockin' Mama, for this very unique blog challenge....

10 Days of Bullshit Challenge

Day 03- An experience you're not proud of, but has made you the person you are today.

I'll just go ahead and say it....I'm not proud of the fact that I got married while still in senior year.  I did finish college right on time, but I married a man who was certainly not the best choice for me.  I think I was in love with the idea of being "in love" as all of my college friends were getting diamonds and planning weddings. 

I met BH when I was a freshman and we dated off and on throughout my college years, but not seriously.  For a while, I blew him off and didn't see him at all, but then he reappeared and we got back together.  He usually held a steady job, which meant money for a poor college student.....

We married in a beautiful ceremony at my home church in Cheraw.  Right before walking down the aisle, I told my brother, "I don't want to do this," but he said, "Everybody is here, you may as well," so I did.  We stayed together for two years and three months, but I was miserable about the whole time. 

I know that everything happens for a reason, and BH came into my life to show me what I wanted in a mate and what I definitely did not want in a mate.  He taught me what I would tolerate and what I would not stand for.  My time with him made me realize that I deserved someone who was educated and had an established career, who didn't take me for a fool, and who loved me (and only me) and was willing to put aside
his single-boy ways....

Thank you BH....

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