Monday, October 17, 2011

Miscellany Monday

I love to link up with Carissa for
After secretly wishing that no one would show up for Friday night's Postgame on Main at First United Methodist, we had one of the largest crowds ever!  I mixed up some fallish-looking trail mix, bought drinks, went up to the church and waited....and the kids poured in after the halftime homecoming festivities.   I think a good time was had by all!!

What was I thinking when I told Chuck that I'd get up and ride to Horry County with him early on Saturday morning??  He had to go evaluate a Firefighter I and Firefighter II class, and I decided to ride with him.  It turned out to be an OK day because I took a nap in the car when we first got there and we had a nice lunch together on the way home.

There was a structure fire on Fleet Street about 8:00 AM on Sunday and both Chuck and Charles went.  MJ had gone to church with Josh, and Lawren had spent the night with Deanna, so I was left at home with no transportation.  I took full advantage of the situation and slept in!  Boy did I need those extra few hours of rest!

Lawren and I had a nice, short shopping trip to Laurinburg Sunday afternoon.  We went to Dollar Tree and picked up a few items, mostly Halloween junk, and then went over to Bath and Body Works....oh my!  I bought some small bottles of hand sanitizer in scents like Honey Pretzel, Jelly Jam Donut, Chocolate Creme Donut, and Marshmallow Treat.  My students' hands have been cleaner today than they've been all year!!
Long range plans are due today to the assistant principal so my Sunday afternoon was consumed in my classroom shuffling through paperwork and preparing the document.  I finally finished around 8:30 PM.  Since it was so late, we just drove through Burger King and picked up fast food for supper.  My original chicken sandwich was actually pretty good!

Saying prayers and waiting to hear from my sweet niece....hope everything is OK!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a fun meme. I feel a bit over extended with the ones I'm doing already, but I may go borrow her blog button for a future reminder to join in. BTW, thanks for following and I have joined your GFC. =D

    Check out some of my posts...
    Smartphones to Not-so Smart Moves to Mr. Cool in RTT
    Meet Me On Monday
    The Lamb, The Spaarrow, and Butterfly Kisses

    Have a good day!
    Cathy Kennedy, Children’s Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
