Friday, September 2, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 2

Day 2:  Tell us about your blog....

Hmmmm.....where do I start??
My blog started a little over a year ago as a personal experiment.  I honestly did not think that I would blog more than a month, at most, but here I am....still blogging. 

I blog about whatever is on my mind.
Sometimes I blog about nothing at all.
I blog about my three teenagers and my husband.
I blog about our busy family activities.
I blog about sports and food.
I blog about my calling in life, my career as a high school special education teacher.

I blog about me and for myself.
It is hoped that one day my family will treasure these words.
I also hope that maybe someone who doesn't know me well will gain insight into the workings of my heart, mind, and soul.

I appreciate all of my followers, and I love to follow.
I get so many good ideas and loads of inspiration from the bloggers that I follow.
I feel a connection with many of the writers whom I follow.

Honestly, I think my blogging efforts will continue as it is one of my daily creative outlets.
Get to know may find in me a new friend!

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)


  1. Fall is my favorite season as well. I'm longing for it especially now with how horrible this Texas heat has been this year. I actually love going outdoors and that's just not possible with triple digit temps. :( Your blog is so inspirational!
