Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Giving Thanks Challenge - stored for safe-keeping

2010 Giving Thanks Challenge

I'm giving thanks for:

Nov. 1 - being born to my parents.
Nov. 2 - my loving husband, Chuck.
Nov. 3 - my three healthy children.
Nov. 4 - my school, students, and co-workers. Nov. 5 - Bill, the lady who kept me when I was young.
Nov. 6 - my siblings: Nancy, Larry, Chandler, Frank, and John.
Nov. 7 - my church.
Nov. 8 - my education. Nov. 9 - patience..thank God I have it!!
Nov. 10 - healthcare workers. Nov. 11 - our country's veterans. God bless America. Nov. 12 - my childrens' curiosity, initiative, drive, and independence.
Nov. 13 - my home. Nov. 14 - the power of prayer. God is good!
Nov. 15 - communications via email. Nov. 16 - teachers....Happy American Education Week!
Nov. 17 - plentiful, refreshing water.
Nov. 18 - the homemaking skills my mama passed on to me: cooking, sewing, canning, etc. Nov. 19 - books, magazines, and my love of reading. Nov. 20 - the relationship Charles has with his aunt Viv.
Nov. 21 - the compassion my children have for others...RIP Izzy :(
Nov. 22 - my friends' willingness to serve and help out when asked. Thanks!!
Nov. 23 - my childrens' friends. You're the best! Nov. 24 - the limits that were set for me growing up, and the parental fortitude to set them for my own children now.
Nov. 25 - help in the kitchen :)
Nov. 26 - memories of my childhood...the good and the bad...those days shaped who I am today.
Nov. 27 - crafting abilities -- we're getting ready for the Advent Fair Nov. 28 - quiet time, a warm blanket, and a movie.
Nov. 29 - hot coffee (with flavored creamer) on a cold morning. Nov. 30 - my blogger friends!

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