(Go link up with Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso and join in on the fun!!)
{1} What is one thing (food or drink) that you MUST have everyday? Diet Coke!!
{2} What is your "go to" food when you don't feel well/need comfort? Oatmeal...a big pot of hot oatmeal with butter!
{3} Is there a dish that you make that people request when they visit your home/a family favorite? Every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I cook turkey and dressing for the Creech side of Chuck's family. Country-style steak and gravy with rice is a family favorite, but since I don't eat much red meat, we haven't had that in a while...
{4} What are 3 foods you have TRIED, do not like and will NEVER eat again? liver, anchovies, and oysters....YUCK!
{5} What's one thing that you love to eat that most people would think is weird and/or gross?? A lot of things....asparagus, avocado and guacamole, and brussel sprouts, just to name a few...
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