"It's OK" Thursday
- to eat the same thing for lunch day after day...especially when it is delicious, homemade chicken salad.
- to enjoy that chicken salad so much that you don't want to even worry about cooking supper.
- to completely love your job, but also be soooooo happy when the time comes to go home in the afternoons.
- to be very, very, VERY thankful that my children have such a wonderful aunt like their daddy's sister, Vivian. She rocks!!
- to secretly be happy that my husband is going to be out-of-town for the weekend. He has to teach a class in Columbia at the SCFA, so the kids and I will be on our own and can just chill out.
- to be super proud of Lawren and Mary Jo's HSAP scores. Both girls passed all parts of the test and scored way above the minimum! Great job, girls!
- to be really sad to hear about the death of one of my student's mother. She was only 41 years old and died of a blood clot. The family has no insurance to help pay for the funeral and burial so they are asking people in the community for donaltions. Please pray for David and his family, blogger friends. Thanks.
- that there is no home high school football game tomorrow night. We have an open date and hopefully I'll get to bed at a reasonalbe time this week.
- to be really sad to hear about the death of one of my student's mother. She was only 41 years old and died of a blood clot. The family has no insurance to help pay for the funeral and burial so they are asking people in the community for donaltions. Please pray for David and his family, blogger friends. Thanks.
- that there is no home high school football game tomorrow night. We have an open date and hopefully I'll get to bed at a reasonalbe time this week.
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