Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11....Tenth Anniversary

This past Thursday, CountryDew over at Blue Country Magic posted a Thursday 13 listing, and it really hit home with me.  She and I have something in common...we are both wives of firefighters.  With her permission, and the above link to her blog page,
I am reposting her entry. 

Please pause and remember where you "were when the world stopped turning on that September day."

"Today's Thursday Thirteen offers up some numbers. I think you'll see the connection by the time I'm done. The numbers pertain to the United States and the first sets of numbers were tabulated in 2009

1. 3,010 - the number of deaths by fire

2. 1,348,500 - the number of fires

3. 17,050 - the number of civilian injuries caused by fire

4. $12,531,000,000 ($12.5 billion) - property loss by fire

5. 26,534,000 - the total number of calls to 911 for assistance

6. 50 - the average weight of a firefighter's gear (helmet, coat, boots, gloves)

7. 25 - the average weight of a firefighters SCBA gear (oxygen, breathing mask)

8. 75 - the average weight in pounds that a firefighter carries when rushing into a burning building

9. 24 - 30

10. 107 - the number of floors in New York City's World Trade Center's largest building

11. 8:50 a.m. on 09/11/2001 - the time an incident command was established by firefighters after a plane flew into the World Trade Center building. The first plane hit at 8:45 a.m.; firefighters were on the scene and entering the building within five minutes of the attack.

12. 9:59 a.m. on 09/11/2001 - the time the first building collapsed at the World Trade Center

13. 343 - the number of firefighters who lost their lives when both towers collapsed on 09/11/2001.

I am the wife of a firefighter. These people go out every day and risk their lives to save people. When you are running away in fear of your life, these people are running in to help you. Whether it's flood, tornado, fire, hurricane, downed powerlines, or a sore toe, when you call 911, these people come.

On the upcoming 10th anniversary of the attack on New York City, please remember the sacrifices of these brave men and women."

Thanks again, CountryDew.  I appreciate you allowing me to share your blog entry.

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