Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday

1. What is your favorite holiday?  My favorite holiday is the time of year, the food, the family connections..

2. Do you have any fun holiday traditions? What are they?  We always get together with Chuck's family for supper on Thanksgiving and Christmas nights, and I fix the turkey, dressing, and gravy.  Another holiday tradition is that we decorate our Christmas trees with all Hallmark ornaments that Chuck and I have collected since we've been married. 

3. When do you start Christmas shopping?  Not nearly early enough....usually in mid-December.

4. What is your favorite holiday food?  My favorite is something that I'll never have mama's turkey dressing.  As I said above, I make it every Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it's just not the same....not Mama's...

5. Share a favorite childhood holiday memory.  A favorite childhood holiday memory is the Easter that my mama made me a green dress with white flowers, and I had new shiny, white shoes.  Chandler and her family was visiting and we took pictures standing in front of the blooming azaleas with the Poloroid insta-matic camera...

 6. Have you ever actually tried fruitcake??  Tried it, yes.  Like it, no!  My brother Larry makes many fruitcakes every Christmas season, and people LOVE them!  Fruitcakes are just not my thing though...
(We Want to Know Wednesday is hosted by Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso...
go link up!)


  1. Eww fruitcake. Great answers, I am really enjoying sharing in everyone's traditions and memories.

  2. awww that is such a sweet memory! that would be a great picture to share :) i just can't get into is so not my thing!!

    ps- I'm givin' love for mamarazzi today too, she's out of town but says hi to everyone! :)
