Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday 9: Ready or Not

1. When severe weather happens, generally speaking, are you ready for it?  We don't have a lot of severe weather here in the deep South....but if it threatens to snow, all of us Southerners run to the grocery store for milk and bread! :)

2. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent, what would it be? My new talent would be playing the piano!!

3. What do you strive for in life? I strive to be a good mama, an effective teacher, a loving wife, and a follower of Jesus.

4. If you were given a vacation home and you could have it anywhere, what location would you choose?  Ummmm....easiest question EVER!!!  My vacation home would be right here in SC on the coast....maybe Sullivan's Island, Pawley's Island, or Garden City.

5. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? If the answer is "it depends," on what does it depend?  I do not care for large group situations...I'd much rather be with small groups.  I feel drained and overwhelmed when I'm stuck in a large group.

6. When you're sick do you take "sick days" or do you force yourself to continue working?  I usually go to school when I'm "sick" and save my sick days for days when I have something fun to do.... :) 

7. What is your absolute favorite piece of furniture you have and why? My favorite piece of furniture is my king size bed.  When my day is over, I can go to it, fall in and sink down, and RELAX!

8. When you go out, where do you like to go? What do you like to do?  I don't go out very often....the family goes out to eat supper every now and then, but that's about it.

9. How's life? Is it treating you well right now?  Life is treating me pretty good right now.  My children are semi-behaving, my husband is working hard, and school is progressing!

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