Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday's Top Ten

Top Ten things that really creep you out

 1.  snakes
2.  frogs
3.  various meats found in a grocery store
Beef tongue....
4.  clogged toilets

5.  sticky things

6.  thick toenails

7.  rotten potatoes

....these smell AWFUL!!

8.  horror movies
One of the few horror movies I've seen....
9.  oysters

10.  pierced navels

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday

(Go link up with Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso and join in on the fun!!)

{1} What is one thing (food or drink) that you MUST have everyday?  Diet Coke!!


{2} What is your "go to" food when you don't feel well/need comfort?  Oatmeal...a big pot of hot oatmeal with butter!
{3} Is there a dish that you make that people request when they visit your home/a family favorite?  Every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I cook turkey and dressing for the Creech side of Chuck's family.  Country-style steak and gravy with rice is a family favorite, but since I don't eat much red meat, we haven't had that in a while...

{4} What are 3 foods you have TRIED, do not like and will NEVER eat again?  liver, anchovies, and oysters....YUCK!
{5} What's one thing that you love to eat that most people would think is weird and/or gross??  A lot of things....asparagus, avocado and guacamole, and brussel sprouts, just to name a few...

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 28

Day 28: Favorite books

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 27

Day 27: 3 wishes

I wish....
for my children to grow up to be happy, healthy, and successful....

to be independently wealthy....

to meet Jesus one day...

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Once again I am linking up with Carissa for
M I S C E L L A N Y   M O N D A Y. . .

Monday morning came way too early this morning.  After spending the weekend in Rock Hill at a softball tournament, I needed a few more hours to rest and relax.

I'm the proud mama of an EMT student!  Charles started going to NETC tonight for a six-month-long EMT class....that's being funded by Marlboro Rescue!  I'm so happy that he has committed to the program!  Way to go Charles!

I'm watching JR and Karina on "Dancing With the Stars" and WOW!  They are super!!  I'm not usually a fan of dancing and/or singing shows, but this is well worth the time!

Lawren ate peanut butter on her hot dog and French fries tonight for supper...what's up with that? 

I truly learned something today at school.  All teenagers seem to be procrastinators!  Two  of my kids came in today and said that they had biology projects due TODAY!!  They had to turn in a model of either a plant cell or an animal cell made from household paper or drawing!  We found play dough, some beads, two safety pins, a bag of wiggle eyes, and a dusty shoe box and managed to eek out two projects in a little over an hour!  It was taxing, but certainly worth the effort on everyone's part....

Volleyball in Sumter tomorrow....Go Lady Dawgs!

Hope everyone has a
m a r v e l o u s

Monday's Music Moves Me

Go link up with Xmas Dolly for
Monday's Music Moves Me...
With all of the rain that we here in SC got over the weekend,
it is only fitting that I post the following video...


30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 26

Day 26: Best concert you have been to

I have not been to a concert in YEARS!
I remember my first real concert though....
Doobie Brothers
The first with Chuck....
The Judds

And the last, which was probably 20 years ago, if not longer....
Don Henley

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 25

Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle and share the first 10 songs

I cannot find my iPod....

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 24

Day 24: Favorite places to shop

First off, let me say,
I'm not a shopper!

As pitiful as it seems, here is where I shop....

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Saturday 9: I Put A Spell on You

Saturday 9: I Put a Spell On You

1. If you could put a spell on someone, who would it be and why?  I'd put a spell on my son Charles, and I'd make him more driven in things other than hunting, fishing, and firefighting....

2. If you could go back in time and relive one moment, what would it be?  I'd relive my wedding day because I would like to take everything in and savor the moments and the beauty of the occasion.

3.If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?   I'd go back and change the evening that my mama died.   I would recognize that she was close to death and I would spend the night with her so I could be with her as she draws her last breath.

4. What movie/TV character do you most resemble in personality?  I resemble the the movie Cheaper by the Dozen....I love my children and their friends, and see a lot of humor in their actions and activities.

5. If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?  I'd push several of the bullies at school off of a big, tall, steep cliff....

6. Name one habit you want to change in yourself.  I eat too darn much!

7. Describe yourself in one word.  Real

8. List your top three memes that you like to respond to.  Miscellany Monday, What I'm Loving Wednesday, and It's OK Thursday...

9. Why do you blog?  I blog because I am  trying to chronicle my family's day to day activities, my thoughts and feelings, and our life.

Friday Fill-Ins


1. When I walk around my neighborhood I see beautiful trees and loving, nurturing homes.

2. Chicken bog is my favorite thing to cook.

3. Life is unpredictable.

4. My sweet husband makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

5. Squash is my favorite Autumn vegetable.

6. Love is better when it is unconditional.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to packing and going to bed early, tomorrow my plans include traveling to Rock Hill for a softball tourney and Sunday, I want to watch two softball games and then travel home safely!

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 23

Day 23: Favorite blog hop that you participate in

Below you'll see some of my favs....

Its Ok Thursdays

and, of course....
(see below!)

(Go link up with Katie and join in!)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Top Ten

Top Ten things you would do with a million dollars

1.  Pay the taxes on the money
2.  Give 10% to the church
3.  Pay off our house and all of our bills
4.  Put my children through college
5.  Buy each child a car/truck
6.  Have Lasix eye surgery
7.  Buy Chuck a new riding lawnmower
8.  Hire a weekly housekeeper
9.  Buy new carpet for our whole house
10.  Go on a second honeymoon in Key West for our 20th anniversary



1. What was the best vacation you have ever been on?  Our honeymoon was the best vacation ever....a week at Sullivan's Island and Charleston...

2. What was the first amusement park you ever went to?  Myrtle Beach Pavillion

3. What is something you are allergic to?  I'm allergic to penicillin and sulfur drugs, and also bee stings and ant bites.. :((

4. What was one kind thing someone did for you today?  I'm hoping that Lawren brings me a frappe from McDonalds....

5.What time is it right now where you are?  It's 3:32 PM

6. If you could choose to be any color in the crayon box, which one would it be?  I'd be cornflower blue, my favorite Crayola crayon...

7. Whats your favorite quote?
"Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together can't handle."

8. What was your high school mascot?  We were the Cheraw Braves!!

9. Are you a left brain or a right?  Right brained....IDK what that means, but I am...

10. Vampires or Zombies?  Ummmm...neither!