Friday, March 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   My most prized possession is       my mama's diamond ring that she left me when she died.....I would have said my children because they belong to me and they are definitely irreplaceable, but calling them possessions is just not right.... .

2.  If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be    in my 20's. I was a grown-up, had a good job teaching in a near-by school, and felt happy and satisfied with my life.  Of course, I have it pretty good now too.....great husband and three teenagers....who could ask for more??

3.  The best way to spend a weekend is    sleeping late on Saturday morning, hanging out with the family, a good meal, worship service at church and relaxing on the couch watching TV with my husband....through in a softball game or two, and the weekend would qualify as terrific!!!

4.  My outlook on life is     that everything happens for a reason, and that God does not give you any more than you can handle.  Make the most of the days you have and appreciate the little things before they are gone. .

5.  If you want to annoy me, just     lie to me or steal from me.....those two things make me very annoyed..... .

6.  I am completely defenseless when it comes to       snakes and frogs.....

7.  When dressing for the day one should       check the weather, believe about half of the forecast, and then dress comfortably in layers of natural fibers.....    .

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I love linking up with Jamie each week for
What I'm Loving Wednesday...

I'm loving All the Rage salon and spas tanning beds!  I know, I know....I'm slowly quickly killing myself....but I love to tan.  I don't tan year-round....maybe for a month or so.  Just long enough to get a slight base tan beginning in spring. 

I'm loving that I have my planning period during the time when Chuck eats his lunch.  We are able to take a few minutes together during the school day and sit down for a bite to eat, providing that no major discipline event occurs....

I'm loving my classroom assistant, Susie Suggs.  I have never had an assistant to work with me and was quite nervous knowing that I'd have a stranger in my classroom .  Well, I hit the jackpot when Mrs. Suggs walked into the room.  She and I are completely on the same page!  When I have to step out of the room for a moment, she picks right up where I leave off and continues instruction and maintains discipline without missing a beat.  I'm one lucky teacher to have a helper and friend like her!!  (I'll post a a pic of her as soon as I get around to taking one.....)

I'm loving that L and MJ are going to visit their aunt Chandler in Berkeley this summer.  They are flying out to California on June 22 and will be home on July13.  They are making their lists of things they want to see and do while in the Bay Area.  Three whole weeks without them....what will I do??  I'll miss them so much, but I know they'll have the time of their lives!!  

 I'm loving The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I have been reading this novel slowly and enjoying every word in it.  The story takes place in Mississippi in the early 60's and tells about the civil rights struggles in the south and the treatment of domestic help in homes.  Like the children in the book, I was raised during this exact time period by a "maid."  Then, of course, I had no idea about the complexities of just dealing with interactions between the employee and employer.  I feel like I am so wrapped up in the lives of the characters right now that I'm going to miss them when I complete the book! 

PS....I know it's Thursday and I'm a day late with life got in the way of posting yesterday!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday - Dream Rooms

I'm linking up with Taylor once again this week for
Top 2 Tuesday
D R E A M   R O O M S

I dream about having a beautiful screened porch
attached to the back of our house. 
I also dream of renovating our kitchen, and the one
above would suit me just fine!!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Happy Monday y'all!
The sun is shining and the temperatures are rising!  It's a beautiful day and I hope everyone is having a good one so far!! 

Here are a few of my random thoughts for up with Carissa and join us....


Our weekly calendar is fully-scheduled with high school sporting's what's in store for the family...
Monday:  Varsity Softball vs. Purnell-Sweat @ 6:00
Tuesday:  Varsity Golf @ Darlington - 4:30
JV and Varsity Softball @ Lakewood (Sumter) @ 5:00 and 7:00
Thursday:  Varsity Golf @ Hartsville - 4:30
Friday:  JV and Varsity Softball vs. Hartsville @ 5:00 and 7:00
Saturday:  Varsity Golf @ Cheraw Invitational Tournament - 8:00 AM
Any other free afternoon will consist of practices for the above named sports!!!  Whew----


The MCHS Relay for Life team is "Fundraising Through the Alphabet," and my families' letter is Q!  So I've been busy working on RFL t-shirt quilts that the team can raffle off to raise money.  Here is the quilt top that I got stitched together last night.

One down, two or three more to go....and all for a good cause!


Chuck has finally decided to join the family on Facebook!  He has been curious about the site for a while, asking questions about what I've seen recently on so-and-so's page.  Well last night, I finally talked him into signing up and he is hooked!  He was up until after midnight checking out everyones postings...


It is finally spring!  Our community is so beautiful with all of the trees and flowers blooming.  I love this time of year, pollen and all!


Gas prices are ridiculous!  I filled up my car last week and it cost $77.00.  Chuck partially filled it on Friday before we went to Sumter for another $50.00, and it is sitting on empty again!  Gas around here sells for $3.44 per gallon, but according to the local news, prices are getting ready to rise again...

Meet Me on Monday

Meet Me On Monday


1.  What jewelry do you wear 24/7?  I wear my college ring on my right hand and my wedding band on my left hand.  I go through rotations with the other rings that go with my wedding band....right now I have on my wedding band and a channel-set anniversary band.  I also wear my silver cross necklace all of the time. 
2.  Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?  Twirl it....

3.  How many siblings do you have?  I have 5 siblings...three brothers, one sister, and a half-sister.
Larry, me, Frank, Chandler, and John

Larry, Chandler, me, and Nancy
4.  Were you named after anyone? names are very important in my family.  I'm named after my great-uncle Josiah Evans and my uncle DeWitt Evans.  And, BTW, all three of our children have family names too.

5.  Coke or Pepsi?  Coke....Diet Coke to be specific...

Saturday 9: You Were Meant for Me

Saturday 9: You Were Meant For Me
1. Have you ever felt that you were “made” for someone or some purpose?  Yes...I was made to be a mother for my children and a special education teacher.

2. What do you do when you have a problem that you can't do anything about it?  I try to let it go, and let God handle it....

3. If marijuana were to be legalized, do you think it should be taxed?  Yes, it should be taxed.  Maybe then the taxes could be reduced on some things that I buy...

4. What is one thing you should never do on a first date?  You should not talk too much about yourself...

5. If someone (at gunpoint) forced you to receive a portrait tattoo of someone, who would it be?  Either my mama or Glinda the Good Witch...

6. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?  I'm sure it will be....I've got my health, my family, my career, and a loving, forgiving God....what more could I ask for??
7. Anything fabulous happen to you last night?  Well, not fabulous, but I did finish a Relay for Life quilt top....

8. For a few years in a row, you receive a nice tax refund: do you make an adjustment with your payroll deduction so they’ll take less, or do you leave it that way so that you can continue to receive the big check every spring?  Leave it the way it is.....I love the tax refund check each spring....

9. When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?  On Jan. first day at MCHS and my students walked through the door of my classroom....

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   The best deal I've ever gotten is       hum.m.m......I cannot think of any good deals right now....I'm not a bargainer so I usually just go ahead and purchase what I see that I want or need.....

2.  If I were hosting a dinner party and could invite people from my fantasy guest list it would include    all of my siblings, neices, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and especially my mama and daddy....this may not sound too much like a fantasy guest list to some, but a lot of these people are in heaven now and some of the others and I are spearated by many miles and we aren't able to get together very often.....I miss them all dearly....

3.  Something that inspires me is    color.... I love bright colors....

4.  If I could only choose to eat one flavor of food for the rest of eternity (sweet, salty, spicy, bitter....) I would have to go with     (this is such a hard question and I hope that I'm never really faced with trying to answer it) sweet.....I love sweet things, but not TOO sweet....of course, I love salty and spicy too, so it would be a terrible choice to have to make.....

5.  I dream about     some of the strangest stuff....last night I dreamed about a combination shower/clothes dryer that was under the house....but my favorite dreams are about my mama....I love to be able to see her again and spend time with her, even if it's only in my dreams....

6.  My weekend will be spent       helping out with our Sunday School classes' breakfast....we're raising money to give to the Good Samaratin Fund at our church.  Of course, many other things will take my time too, but the breakfast is the main event.... .
7.  If I could only  watch one movie or TV show for the rest of my life, it would be       The Andy Griffith Show...I love the homespun humor and the life lessons that the show offers in every episode.....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

I absolutely LOVE to link up with
every so often....why don't you do the same?

Outside my's an absolutely beautiful, warm day!  I LOVE SC weather!!
I am thinking...I need to run to Florence to get some stabilizer, but gas is so expensive!!
I am thankful husband and children...
From the kitchen...(I'm in the kitchen) are the sounds of the TV and the dishwasher...
I am wearing...jeans, a green and white striped shirt (it's St. Patrick's Day), and brown leather clogs.
I am creating...a t-shirt quilt made from Relay for Life t-shirts.  The team at school is going to raffle it off to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
I am probably go on to Florence so I can continue working on this quilt.
I am reading...The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I am hoping...that I can sleep a little later tomorrow morning since we are having a staff development day and the students won't be at school....
I am hearing...the television and the dishwasher...

Around the house...same old thing....a cluttered mess :((  I've got to get busy!!
One of my favorite watching my girls play softball...
A few plans for the rest of the week:  sleeping late tomorrow morning, getting ready for our Sunday School breakfast on Saturday morning, straightening up here in the house, SS and church on Sunday, and hopefully a nap.... :)

Top Ten Thursday

Top Ten Favorite Things That Are Green...

freshly mowed grass

my soft, cotton, long-sleeve t-shirt

fresh, crispy spinach salad

a little turtle figurine that sits on my desk at school

my first family car...a forest green Taurus station wagon

my green crocs

Green Eggs and Ham, and other Dr. Seuss books

green bead and pearl bracelet

memories of my lime green bedroom as a teenager

lemon lime kool-ade
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!