1. Do you take a lot of medication? As much as I can....
2. Name one of your flaws and tell us about it. I am a terrible housekeeper......
3. Have you ever won first place? If yes, tell us about your victory! I've never won first place, but I did receive a lot of scholarships before starting college.
4. Who is the last person to make you smile? What was happening? Charles....we just spent a little time together this afternoon, and I loved it!
5. Describe a time when you should have tried harder. In a graduate level class many years ago, I got into a group of slackers and was not doing my best work on a project. I was enjoying the company of friends, but then realized that I was not going to be able to turn in a quality project. I backed out of the group and worked independently with much better results.
6. What are you best at? Here lately, not much....I am a good teacher and I relate well with my students...
7. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why? I guess someone like Kathy Bates or Camryn Manheim. Both are strong women with a cutting sense of humor.
8. Name 3 things that you think are strange. I think that it is strange that I get blamed for everything that goes wrong in our household, that I cannot get over this sinusitis even though I've been on medication for three weeks, and that our puppy will pee pee on the pee pee pad but will go to the hallway to poo poo 8 times out of 10....
9. What is one lesson you have learned in the past 12 months? I've learned that I can still be surprised about turns of events.
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