Friday, November 19, 2010

Saturday 9: Happy Thanksgiving

Saturday 9: Happy Turkey Day 2010
1. Tell us about your very favorite (yes we know that's redundant) Thanksgiving.  My favorite Thanksgivings were when my sister lived in Charlotte and my mama and brothers and I would go there for the day.  We'd all have an abundant meal and then either go to the Carousel Parade in downtown Charlotte, or if it was too cold, we'd watch it on TV.
2. What are you doing for Turkey Day this year?  The family is hanging out here at home until about lunchtime and then I'll cook turkey, dressing and gravy for the Creech family.  We'll converge on Bethel UMC for supper with all of the Creeches....
3. If you were to go to somebody else’s house, what would be your favorite dish to bring?  I think I'd bring a vegetable salad, sweet tea, or maybe a holiday-themed dessert....

4. Tell us about the funniest person that you'll be with this Thanksgiving.  It would probably be Chuck's uncle...the one who drinks and wears a red felt cowboy hat to family events...he's loud and brash, but has a heart of gold!!

5. What would surprise us to know about your Thanksgivings?  In 1983, I got married right around Thanksgiving....bad mistake on my part, but everything happens for a reason....AND Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday!

6. Does your usual mix of guests result in drama, or is it a group you’re happy to see?  I'm happy to see most of the people that I see on Thanksgiving.

7. What did your family do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid? Do you still do it?  Ummm, see number 1 above....and no, we don't still do it....

8. We know you've been asked this probably 15 times this week. But share with us in 2010, what are you most thankful for?  I'm super thankful for Chuck, Charles, Lawren, and Mary Jo, my home, my school, my students and co-workers, my family members and friends, my church, my education, my friends, and, suffice it to say, the list could go on forever!

9. Okay, the big question: are you going to 'attend' any of the "Black Friday" sales? ...and if you are, are you hard core serious like the 5 am "be there" crowd?  No way!!  I have given a list to a friend who is/was a Black Friday shopper and she picked up a few things for me, but, absolutely, positively...NOT ME!!


  1. I do not also shop at black Friday just like others hehe. My first entry...

    Mine is here

  2. I'm thinking of shopping on Saturday, not sure if anything's gonna be left over!

    New follower via Boost My Blog Friday :)
    Jen @ My Secret Home

  3. Those black Friday crowds scare me too.

    Have a great day!
