1. Have you ever been to a fortune teller? If yes, what happened? No, but just the other day, MJ said that she'd like to go to the Palm Reader on the outskirts of our town....LOL
2. How do you cope in an uncomfortable social situation? I usually try to remove myself from the situation...
3. A genie appears (of course). She asks, “If you had 3 wishes but each took 3 years off your life, what would you wish for and why?” I'd wish for [1] good health for my remaining time, [2] to have plenty of money so that I didn't have to work and could spend time with my family and friends, and [3] for God to let His light brightly shine through me so that other's could see it readily and come to know Him...
4. Would you rather lose your soul mate or never meet them at all? I'd rather lose my soul mate....the wonderful loving time we would have had together could live forever in my memories....
5. What is the hardest thing that you have ever had to do? Survive everyday (yet try to carry on as usual for the sake of my husband and children) for approximately three months while my mama was bedridden in a nursing home...
6. Have you ever had a miracle happen to you or your loved ones? God gave me three healthy children, and that's a great miracle in itself....
7. Tell us about a quote that you can relate to. Why can you relate with it? "Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I can't handle." This little quote/saying/prayer is on a plaque that was hung in my mama's bathroom, and it is now in my bathroom. I live by this mantra because I realize that God does not give us more than we are capable of handling....
8. What personality trait has gotten you into the most trouble? The personality trait that has gotten me into the most trouble is being outspoken and just telling things as I see them....and it is usually what everyone else is thinking, but is afraid to make waves and say so....
9. For those in The States, how was your Turkey Day? If not from the US, do you celebrate a day like Thanksgiving? Our Thanksgiving started out quiet and cozy, then became hustling and bustling, and ended with feelings of satisfaction and enjoyment....it was a super day!
Go link up with Crazy Sam and answer these Saturday 9 questions.....
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