The Blessing Box....
Truthfully, I don't feel very blessed right now...I'm tired, I have a backache, and my eyes are super dry! Hopefully as I progress in this posting and start counting my blessings, I will start to feel better..
I'm blessed that I have my little after school job at school. I'm able to hang out with middle schoolers, help students with their homework for two hours a day or two a week, and get paid to do it! The pay is not much, but every little bit helps, especially here at Christmastime.
I'm blessed that the Advent Fair at FUMC on Sunday came off without a hitch! Everyone who helped out was so accommodating and well-prepared. A heartfelt thank you to all of the center leaders, my Sunday school class, and the kitchen help!! You are all greatly appreciated. (I'm going to blog about the event in the near future....stay tuned for that...)
It has truly been a blessing to make new blogging friends. I've met a lot of new people, and am up to 59 followers thus far. I love reading everyone elses' blogs and have learned so much from other's postings. Blogging has also given me some much needed "me time,"....a time that I can reflect, remember, and write about what's on my mind and my families' hopes and dreams for the future.
(I'm starting to feel better already!)
It is a blessing that Christmas break is right around the corner! HOORAY!!
I'm blessed because I am loved by my husband and my children. They mean the world to me and I love them with all of my heart. Even though I may complain about the laundry and the hectic schedule we keep, I wouldn't trade one minute of the time that I spend as the parent of three active teenagers and wife of an over-committed husband.
I am blessed.... :)