FOR TODAY: January 10, 2011
Outside my window... it is very cold....snow is all over the ground and on the tree branches. The dogs have made paths all through the yard, up to the porch, into their doghouse, and over to the gate. We live in the south, so we don't have snow very often...thank goodness....
I am thinking... boy, that's a lot of snow! I hope it does not start to sleet now and make the roads messier than they already are. I am also thinking about how we missed school today and will probably be out tomorrow too, so that will mean we will have two days we have to make up between now and the end of the school year....
I am thankful for...the opportunity to reconnect with my siblings over the last week or so...I love them all so much and wish that we could regain the closeness we had when Mama was living.
From the kitchen... comes the smell of the warm chocolate pound cake that I just took out of the oven....
I am wearing... a long sleeve white t-shirt, blue jeans, and white socks....
I am creating...a big pot of chicken bog for my families' supper.
I am going... no where today because of the snow. There is no way I'd go out driving in this weather. Matter of fact, just now Chuck and Charles left home to go on a wreck call about a bloclk or so from here...overturned vehicle. God help the victims and the rescuers...
I am reading...The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin and Alex Malarky and am going to read The Help by Kathryn Stockett as soon as I finish the other book.
I am hoping... that I will get good news from "the man."
I am hearing... a commercial on the television and the sound of the blower on the fireplace. There's not too much else happening here in the den since the firefighters rushed out.....
Around the house... is the usual clutter. One of my New Years Resolutions is to dejunk and organize our home, but I just havne't started yet....tomorrow may be a good day to start....or maybe not....
A Picture I Thought of Sharing...
7 inches of snow....U N B E L I E V A B L E here in (usually) warm and sunny SC!
Stopping by from Meet Me on Monday. I'm now following you and would love for you to follow me back at:
Have a great evening!
Stay safe in the snow. Oddly, my part of Virginia didn't get any this time, but they're calling for some tomorrow.