Do Ya

Saturday 9: Do Ya
1. Do ya love New Year's Eve? What did you do? (Or if you arrived here early, what are your plans?) Nope, don't love it....just another day....
2. What’s something nice you did for someone else this year? I prayed for a lot of different people at random times, not just on Sundays, at night, or in crisis situations....
3. Who do you wish could find their inner spirit to become more comfortable in their life? A friend who works at my school who appears to have a lot of inner turmoil.....bless you friend!
4. What’s the best thing to inherit other than money? Family memories and a strong family heritage.
5. How many members of your family not living with you did you see on Christmas Day? My side of the family = 0.... Chuck's side of the family = 35+
6. When spending time with family, how long after you arrive do you begin to feel "antsy" about being there too long? Depends on who I'm visiting,,,,but usually about 30 minutes or so....
7. Is your family more likely to have pleasant discussions or heated arguments during a big meal? Do you join in or quietly listen in? Pleasant discussions, and sometimes I join in.....
8. Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? What one thing that you didn’t get would you like to have received? I really didn't want too much this Christmas, so I guess I got more than I anticipated. I would have really liked to receive a super smooth set of king size sheets....I think I'll purchase them myself with a gift card!!
9. What’s one area of your life you really improved this year? I improved my health by losing weight, but still have a long, long way to go....
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