Here's what I'm loving on this
B E A U T I F U L South Carolina W E D N E S D A Y ! ! !
I'm loving that the weather is is 64 degrees, sunny, and bright blue skies!
I'm loving that the MCHS Lady Bulldogs won their first round of basketball playoffs against AC Flora on Monday night and will play again tomorrow night in Hilton Head. Good luck Lady Dawgs!
I'm also loving that my niece's husband's team, the Wilson Tigers, won their first playoff game last night against Hilton Head Island.
I'm loving my mid-afternoon snack...
I'm loving that only one of my IEP's was chosen for review by the state dept. of education. I had to take the folders in this morning for a final check...I've got a few things to fix, but not many.

I'm loving these recent Pinterest finds...
I'm seriously loving the care and compassion being shown by a young teacher at our school. She is going above and beyond to help out a girl in need. Her efforts are much appreciated!
I'm loving that the MCHS Lady Dawgs' softball season starts this weekend with a tournament at Freedom Florence! I'm certainly ready to see the girls play! I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the weather cooperates!
Go Lady Dawgs!!
(Go link up Jamie and tell us what you are loving today!)
I feel bad, but I am laughing at the clubbing seals!