Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Happy List


It's been a few weeks since I've linked up with Angie over at
so, here goes...

I'm happy that today is Tuesday, and we only have three and a half more days of school before Christmas break!
I'm happy that Jose came back to school yesterday.  His mama died last week, and he's been out...I really missed him too!
I'm happy that Lawren and MJ got their class rings last week....and have not lost them!

I'm happy because I remembered to bring ALL of the pieces to my coffee maker to school and was able to make a pot of hot, caffeinated deliciousness this morning.
I'm happy that the glass repairman replaced the window in my classroom....after at least a month of being in the darkness, and daily staring at a piece of plywood and glass shards.  My mood has improved 100% already!!
I'm happy that our whole family is planning a trip to Riverbanks Zoo for this coming weekend.  I cannot wait to once again experience the "Lights Before Christmas!"

What are you happy about today??

1 comment:

  1. Have fun at the zoo. I can't believe I've lived in Cola 11 years and never been to the lights at the zoo.

    Yay for coffee!

    Have a fabulous week!
