Saturday, November 26, 2011

These are my people...

"Other things may change us,
but we start and end with the family."

We had a wonderful lunch and visit with my side of the family today.  Everyone gathered at Larry and Gayle's house and enjoyed
great food and good company. 
It was so good to see my brothers and sisters-in-law,
my nieces and nephews,
 AND my great-nieces and nephews....and GREAT they are!

Larry's family
Victoria, Jeff, Gayle, Mary, Law, Douglas,
 Harvey, Larry, and John

Frank and Teresa

John, Kit, and Kathy

Happy, Robert, and Isabella

My niece Happy and
great-niece Isabella

Mary, Douglas, Harvey, and John
Jeff, Law, and Victoria

All of the nieces and nephews
(and my children too!)

My sweet great-nephew Law and me..

John, Larry, me, and Frank

Josh, Charles, MJ, me, Chuck, and Lawren
 "You don't choose your family. 
They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
-Desmond Tutu

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, looks like you had an awesome Thanksgiving. :)
