1. Where were you when you found out the bin Laden was killed? How did you find out? I was at home watching "The Celebrity Apprentice," and a scrolling message appeared at the bottom of the TV screen.
2. One of your best friends turns out to be saying hurtful and untrue things behind your back. What would you do? I'd ask her/him about it and then probably forgive and then laugh about the whole incident.
3. You instantly become a star. What is it that made you one? Being crafty and creating something beautiful...
4. If you could be ANY sex symbol (living or dead) who would it be and why? I'd be a young, beautiful Judy Garland....she was gorgeous!
5. Where is your favorite place to eat out? I love Chili's!
6. Are there any current (that began before 2010) television shows out there that you've watched regularly from the very beginning? I've watched Survivor, The Amazing Race, and The Big Bang Theory since they began.
7. When is it time to just let it ('it' can be whatever you choose) go? How do you know? What do you do? You let things go when you realize that you have no control over whatever it is...."Let go and let God."
8. Pimentos-- in Olives? Useless decorative effect? ...or something you maybe enjoy? Pimentos are definitely decorative...they serve no purpose whatsoever!
9. Why do you think we as a civilization can't seem to get along with one another? A lot of people cannot get along because they are out for the benefit of themselves only....many cannot see past the tip of their noses and take no responsibility for their actions, especially if the actions hurt someone else. "Why can't we all just get along??"
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