1. Do you listen to music at work, and if so, do you use a mp3 player, play it through your office computer, or do you listen to it collectively via a separate radio you keep nearby? I'm a teacher, so I don't get to listen to music throughout the day. I do allow my students to listen to their mp3's after they are finished with their assignments. I also accompany one of my classes to the weight room, and sometimes the coach turns up the volume on some classic rock to get the kids motivated....
2. Tell us something about people that you absolutely hate. I absolutely
3. What is something someone has done that you'd like the world to know about? I'd like the world to know that my mama worked very hard to raise 5 children pretty much on her own, and she did a great job, if I do say so myself.....I hope that one day my children think of me in half the way I remember her......
4. Where is your favorite place to sit when at home? I like to sit on the end of the couch, but that doesn't happen very much....I'm usually up moving around taking care of little things....
5. How did you come up with the title of your blog? When I started the blog, I had no idea what to name it, so I just chose "Everyday Life" kind of as a last minute thought with the intention of changing it...
6. Tell us about the one who got away. He didn't get away...I handed him two grocery store paper bags and told him to leave!!
7. Have you ever had a big birthday party? Nope....but my 50th birthday is coming up....maybe it will happen then....
8. What was the biggest bash you've ever attended? Probably a wedding....been to lots of those....
9. With my kids and an always changing life, I find myself sometimes unable to focus! Do you have that problem, too? Yep....sometimes I'm pulled in so many different directions with my children, husband, career, etc., that I just can't seem to get it all together.
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