Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 Tuesday: Top 2 New Year's Resolutions

I'm linking up with Taylor over at The Undomestic Momma for one of my weekly favorites, Top 2 Tuesday!
 I've got to get myself back together and drink more water, eat healthier (more fruits and veggies, smaller portions), and lose more weight.  I was pleasantly surprised when I last stepped on the scales....I'd only gained 2 pounds from the original 50 that I lost....but I still have such a long way to go!  With God's help, I can do this!

I am resolving to get this
 house more organized and less cluttered. 
This is going to be an on-going effort that will have to involve everyone in the family, and getting them on board is going to be a task in itself!  Again, with God's help, I can do this!!

[two and 1/2]
Improve my prayer life, and learn to depend on God for all of my needs. 
Let go and let God!


  1. Great list of goals! Best wishes to you and your family in the New Year!

  2. Lose more weight and get more organized could go on my list as well.

    Joy and blessings to you in the coming year!


  3. Ive got to start drinking more water too!
