Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday!!

Just want to wish my super sweet husband a Happy Halloween Birthday!
I love you!

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 21

[Day 21]
Picture of yourself
I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!

I'm not very photogenic....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogger Award!!

Sarah at Butterfly Chic gave me this beautiful, totally awesome, award!   She is one of my newest followers and is such a loving and optimistic!!!    Thanks Sarah for the are truly special!!

  • Thank and Link back to who gave you the award
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoyed
  • Leave your recipients a note telling them about their new, totally cool, award
Here are 7 things about me:
  1. I'm not a morning person.  I'm not a late night person.  I'm an afternoon person...and I've never really heard anyone else describe themselves as one.
  2. I love being a special education teacher.  I think it is my calling in life.
  3. I have three gregarious and precocious teenagers whom I love more than the breath that I draw.
  4. I'm diligently working on my Day Zero Project (101 int 1001) and I really hope that I will be successful in completing all of my goals.
  5. I am very non-confrontational.  I dislike arguing and strife, and wish that everyone would just get along with one another.
  6. My favorite number is 61.  I was born in 1961 and the house that I grew up in was at 61 Lynn Avenue.
  7. My girls and I love to work on craft projects.  We are always willing to try out new artsy ventures with our newest being pumpkin painting.
Now, I'd like to pass this Versatile Blogger award on to the following friends....
Boobies @ Boobies, Babies, and a Blog
NorCalMom @ Lemons to Lemonade
Erika @ Fat Like Me
Carol @ Songberries
Katie K. @ Katie's Journey
Java @ Never Growing Old
Sherri @ Her Random Thoughts

Thanks for the hours of great reading and super ideas!!  Y'all are the best of the best!!

Halloween T-Shirt

I saw this cute t-shirt idea in a magazine and, since it involved tie-dying, I had to try it.  Take a look and let me know if you like it...
 I tied rubber bands in different places on a white t-shirt and then vat dyed it orange.
 After the shirt set for a day or so, I finished it up by washing and drying it.....

and drawing faces within each circle with a Sharpie marker...

What do you think??

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Elected
1. Many of my friends have commented they cannot discuss politics with co-workers, family, friends and others without conflict rearing its ugly head. Do you feel you can talk with your family and friends about this particularly divisive election?  Chuck and I always discuss who we are going to vote for before going to the use canceling out each others votes....

2. Do you know who you're voting for in next week's election? How did you decide?  I don't know who I'm going to vote for because I haven't really paid attention to who is running.  If I don't have an affiliation or no names are familiar, I vote for the person named John.....if there is no John, I vote for another regular, everyday name, like Robert, James, William, George, Charles, or David.

3. What do you think is the most important issue in next Tuesday's election?  In our small town, the school board is a HOT TOPIC!!

4. Can you go a day without laughing?  Laughing out loud....yes.  Even when I find things funny, I usually laugh on the inside.....

5. Do you think that you can chose who you want to love?  God says you are to love everyone, so no, you cannot choose who to love.  On the other hand, you can choose who you like and dislike...

6. Have you ever been on stage? For what?  The only times I've been on stage are when I was walking across for my graduations....

7. Would you ever live in a different country? If yes, where?  Probably not....the good ol' US is the best place for me!

8. Any plans for Halloween?  Yes, but I don't know exactly what yet.  Halloween is Chuck's birthday, so I'm sure we'll get together for a meal with his family.

9. The last costume that you wore, what was it and why did you choose it?  The last costume I wore was an M&M costume.  I was the bag and our three children were M&M's.  We were all so cute together!!

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 20

[Day 20]
I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!

I don't have many nicknames that I know of....
some people may call me names when I'm not around,
and if they do, I probably don't want to know what they are!

Anyway, I'm also known as:

Mrs. Black
Aunt Jo
"Miss Jo"

Friday, October 29, 2010

101 in 1001 - Classic Movies

One of my 101 goals to complete in 1001 days is to watch 10 classic movies I've never seen before (#105).  Well, I thought that I'd get busy with this project, so I joined Netflix and queued up a list of movies that I want to see.  So far, I've watched two....

I enjoyed both of these movies a lot.  Since I had read To Kill a Mockingbird  before, I knew how the movie would play out, but I had no idea about Casablanca!  All I really knew was who was in it and that there were lots of famous quotes from the movie.  I was pleasantly surprised that I got into the story so completely.  I think both movies are truly classics.

Next movies on my list:
West Side Story
Rebel Without a Cause

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 19

[Day 19]
Something you miss
I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!

I miss my mama.
I miss my girls playing travel softball.
I miss working for the recreation department day camp during the summer.
I miss living in Cheraw.
I miss the closeness that my siblings and I used to have, but hope to reconnect with all of them in the near future.
I miss my carefree college days.

Even though I miss all of the above, I love my life, my husband, my children, and my job.  I don't want to change a thing about the here and now! 

Fill in the Blank Friday

This week, I am once again linking up with
 Fill in the Blank Friday...
play along, why don't you??

1.   My Halloween plans this year will include       celebrating my husband's 51st birthday with him and our children...

2.  My most memorable Halloween costume was   when I was a princess and got to wear one of my sister's old prom dresses....I think I was about 8...  .

3.  For Halloween this year I'm going to be       a mama... :)

4.  I've always wanted to dress up as   a cowgirl.... .

5.  Halloween free association!      pumpkins, chocolate, masks, laughing, FUN.

6.  The worst thing about Halloween is        our neighborhood is a magnet for all of the riff-raff in the county.....grown-ups with a baby or two on their hips and plastic gro. store bags wanting candy....grrrrr!

7.  The best thing about Halloween is       that it's my husband's birthday....we get to doubly celebrate....candy and costumes for the kids and cake and ice cream for all!
What are your Halloween plans?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

 I have so much to be thankful for this Thursday and every day that I awake to see the sun shining!!

1.  I'm thankful that my soldier will be home tomorrow!  Josh has been gone since the beginning of July and he will be back in Marlboro County by Friday midnight.  I can hardly wait to wrap my arms around him.  It will be so good to have him back in our lives!!
 2.  I'm thankful that McColl Middle School won both the regular season and the tournament championships in football.  I'm proud of our 7th and 8th grader players and cheerleaders!  GO RED DEVILS!!! 
3.  I'm thankful for my friend Jenny.  She has made me a better teacher by her example.  She cares so much for her students and tries so hard to help them make gains.  I'm looking forward to moving back into an office with her....together, we're an awesome team!

4.  I'm thankful that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

Thursday 13

For this weeks Thursday 13, I'm going to list the 13 scary movies I've seen....that is, if I can think of 13 of them.....I'm NOT a horror-movie watcher, as you can probably tell...

Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds
The Exorcist (1973)- this movie scared the living tar out of me!
14. 'The Exorcist' (1973)
The Amityville Horror - the original one from way back when (1978)
39. 'Amityville Horror' (1978)
Carrie - the one with Sissy Spacek
Actor | RolesClass | DVDs | Home Video Products | Media Products | Movies | Carrie (Movie - 1976) | Individual | Sissy Spacek
Blacula (1972)  My mama and I went to a Saturday matinee, and this was on....I kept my eyes shut the whole time...
Psycho (1960)- the original one in black and white...."Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly... "
Actor | Authors | RolesClass | DVDs | Home Video Products | Media Products | Movies | Psycho (Movie - 1960) | Individual | Janet Leigh
Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
22. 'The Silence of the Lambs' (1991)
Jaws (1975)- I saw this when it was new while on vacation at the beach, of all places!!
15. 'Jaws' (1975)
The Panic Room - Maybe not a horror movie but definitely suspenseful!
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Those Oompa Loompas freak me out!
[twelve & thirteen] 
I've never seen any other scary movies....I'm such a weenie!!


Look who/what was hanging out right down the street from my house....a five foot alligator!

Charles texted me on Tuesday (10-26-10) and told me that he was at the lake and saw the gator, and of course, my mama instincts kicked in and I told him to
"stay away from it because it will eat you up!"  
Anyway, I found this pic (taken by M. Phy) on Facebook this morning and wanted to share it with all of my bloggy friends.
Beware if you're in the neighborhood!!  He's not the first to be sited!!

PS....on the way home from school today, I rode by the lake and saw the alligator myself!!  Scary to think we have killer critters so close to our home!!

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 18

[Day 18]
Something you regret
I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!

(Below is what I would have blogged had yesterday
been the day to tell about "something you regret")

What do I regret?  Hmmmmm....that is a really tough questions.  Like I said a few days ago when I wrote my beliefs, I believe that everything happens for a purpose.  Decisions were made for me before I was able to make them for myself, and if any minute change had been made, my whole life could have been different. 
Sure, there are things that I've done in my life that were probably not the best choice I could have made, but at the time, I made the choice, and my past experiences made me who I am today. 
I guess the bottom line is, I have no regrets.....
The bad things that I have done and the sins that I've committed were forgiven the moment that I sincerely asked Jesus to take them away and wash me clean.

(But now....)
What do I regret?  I'll tell you, I do have a regret....
I hate to be "Debbie Downer," but here goes....
I regret not being by my mama's side when she died.  She had no family with her when she left this earth.  I was the last person in our family to see her alive, and I heard what I now know as the "death rasp," but at the time did not recognize it.  Had I known then what I know now, I would have stayed by her side that night in the nursing home. 
I prayed an intercessory prayer over her that evening, saying "Lord, into Your hand I commit her spirit."  Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the insight to pray on her behalf the last time I was with her....that prayer is something I do not regret, and it  gives me a feeling of peace since I was not with her.  I know she is comfortable now, resting in our Savior's arms, with no more pain or suffering.

(Thank you, Katie, for giving me the opportunity to write about has been 12 years since my mama died, and I've not talked to anyone about this before.  I guess blogging is good for the soul.  Thanks again.) 

Buzz on By Thursday

Welcome to “Buzz on by Thursday” blog hop, hosted by Fashionably Organized, The Two Savvy Sisters, Emmy’s Closet and Sunny Bug
Buzz on By Thursday is a great way to meet new bloggers and increase your Google followers! So join us, we promise you will have a blast!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Once again this week, I'm linking up with
Jamie at This Kind of Love for
What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving Irish cream Coffee-mate for my coffee every morning.

  I'm loving that our high school's volleyball season is OVER!  There were some good times this season, but mostly it was **hell** dealing with the coach and her bipolar drama. 
I'm loving that a cold front is pushing through SC tomorrow evening and the temps are going to change....upper 80 degree weather at the end of October is ridiculous!!
I'm loving that report cards came out on Monday and all three children made good grades.  L and MJ also got invitations to join the Beta Club!!
I'm loving Cracker Barrel's wheat bread French toast and maple syrup....had some last night on the way home from Hilton Head....YUMMY!!
I'm loving that our church is celebrating All Saint's Sunday this weekend.  This service is one of my favorites of the year.
And, of course and as always,
I'm loving my soft-spoken, cool-tempered (when dealing with me) husband and my three genuinely smart teenagers.
Join the fun and tell us what you're loving on this wonderful Wednesday...

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 17

[Day 17]
Something you're looking forward to
I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!

I am looking forward to husband's birthday. 
I am looking forward to the middle school championship football game....GO RED DEVILS!!
I am looking forward to the annual Octoberfest at MEMS.
I'm looking forward to this weekend because Josh is coming home from Missouri.
I'm looking forward to All Saints Day at FUMC this Sunday.
I am looking forward to the high school basketball season starting.
I'm looking forward to a reply to the email Jenny sent.
I'm looking forward to my birthday next week.
I'm looking forward to my favorite holiday of the year...
I'm looking forward to spending time with my children as they grow and mature.  They are the true loves of my life!
I am looking forward to many more happy years being married to Chuck.
And finally, when my earthly days are finished....
I'm looking forward to spending eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for I am one of His followers and He loves me....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Follow Me Back Tuesday

BWS tips button
Follow Me Back Tuesday is another day of the week that you can gain more followers and find other great blogs to follow on a weekly basis. 
Join us....I look forward to making new blogger friends!!

Top 2 Tuesday

I'm linking up with Taylor over at
for another edition of Top 2 Tuesday....

Top 2 Halloween or Fall crafts/decor/party ideas
 Beautiful outside porch fall display of pumpkins and mums....
 Candles, pumpkins, gourds, and fall flowers as a centerpiece on the Thanksgiving meal table....

These are a few of my favorites!

Happy Fall Y'all!

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 16

[Day 16]
Dream House
I'm linking up with Katie K. for the next month or so for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. 
Wish me, and everyone else who's participating, perseverance and good luck!
This could easily be my dream house.... reasonably located here in my home state of SC...
in beautiful Pawleys Island...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Mayhem

Join Us for Monday Mayhem

1. What ticked you off last week while you were on your way somewhere?  People who drive too slowly in the left lane....if you're not going to go close to the speed limit, stay in the right lane!

2. Who in your house really ticked you off and how did they do it? him, nothing is fair...he is so mistreated....!!

3. What politician or political event really ticked you off last week?  All of them!  I'm tired of all of the negative campaigning!

4. Tell us what ticked you off on TV last week.  I was really ticked off when NBC messed up last Tuesday night and I missed part of "The Biggest Loser!"

5. What ticked you off online last week?  Ummm, my home desktop aggravates me EVERY DAY!!!  Randomly throughout every online session I get these unwanted pop-ups about viruses and bothersome :(

6. What celebrity ticked you off last week and how?  Celebrities are not important enough in my life to tick me off...I really don't care....

7. Tell us something food related that really ticked you off.  Chuck bought Krispy Kreme doughnuts and I ate two....not really the doughnuts fault, or Chuck's fault....lack of willpower at a moment of weakness....

Thanks for playing!
Try NOT to have a ticked off day :)

PS...too late....already had a ticked off day.  I'm so ready for volleyball season to be over!  Tomorrow is the first round of playoffs and our team has to travel for 3.5 hours to Hilton Head....and the coach kicked MJ off the team today!  Needless to say, I'm livid....way beyond ticked off!  I'll try to bide my time and see what the AD says tomorrow morning....please pray that I don't get arrested...

Miscellany Monday

Our family had a very relaxing time at the beach this weekend.  We went especially to celebrate the marriage of Heath and Gail.  The weather was perfect and you could not have asked for a more perfect setting for the wedding!  Congratulations Heath and Gail....we love you and wish you the best for a long, happy life together.
We did a little shopping while at the beach.  Lawren and Mary Jo each picked out new outfits to wear to the wedding, and I think they did a great job!  Both were (are) BEAUTIFUL!
Today is Day 15 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge hosted by Katie K.  I've enjoyed each and every day of the challenge so far and look forward to the next 15 days.
The MCHS varsity volleyball team finished 4th in the region and will travel to Hilton Head tomorrow afternoon for the first round of playoffs.  Good luck Bulldogs....

I'm really ready for the cooler fall temperatures to come and stay for a while.  I'm anxious to make big pots of soup and pans of cornbread, build a fire in the fireplace, and settle in each evening with my husband and children....our family together in our warm, snugly house.

My "son", Josh, comes home this weekend after being gone since the end of June.  He's been in Georgia and Missouri for basic training for the National Guard.  I cannot wait to see him and give him a big hug!  I've missed him so much.