has been almost a full year since I've blogged. A lot has happened to my family and me that I feel like I've neglected to chronicle. Shame on me, right?
I'm going to try to remedy this self-imposed guilt trip and blog at least a few times a time and my schedule allows anyway. I can only do what I can do, right??
I've missed keeping up with several of the blogs that I followed regularly. I can't wait to see how much as changed in the past year.
Welcome back, Me!!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Thursday, February 16, 2012
It's OK Thursday
It's OK... be so excited that high school softball season is finally starting!
..that our Valentine's Day supper was postponed because of Chuck's class. We'll get together hopefully soon. insist on only Kleenex brand tissue....I despise any other facial tissue, and right now, I have a cheap box on my desk...ugggh! :( be upset that my oven has quit working again! I wish Charles would take time to look at it and see if he can fix it...
..that I'm semi-addicted to Pinterest. I look perusing the site and pinning ideas, products, and crafts for future reference. be worried about my student who is in the hospital. Please get well soon....we miss you! make a plate of spaghetti and sauce for Pippi's supper instead of putting it away as leftovers. be happy that L and MJ are getting along so nicely these days. They are planning to go out together for supper Friday night, just the two of them! :) :)
(Go link up with Amber and tell everyone what you think is OK!)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Here's what I'm loving on this
B E A U T I F U L South Carolina W E D N E S D A Y ! ! !
I'm loving that the weather is is 64 degrees, sunny, and bright blue skies!
I'm loving that the MCHS Lady Bulldogs won their first round of basketball playoffs against AC Flora on Monday night and will play again tomorrow night in Hilton Head. Good luck Lady Dawgs!
I'm also loving that my niece's husband's team, the Wilson Tigers, won their first playoff game last night against Hilton Head Island.
I'm loving my mid-afternoon snack...
I'm loving that only one of my IEP's was chosen for review by the state dept. of education. I had to take the folders in this morning for a final check...I've got a few things to fix, but not many.

I'm loving these recent Pinterest finds...
I'm seriously loving the care and compassion being shown by a young teacher at our school. She is going above and beyond to help out a girl in need. Her efforts are much appreciated!
I'm loving that the MCHS Lady Dawgs' softball season starts this weekend with a tournament at Freedom Florence! I'm certainly ready to see the girls play! I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the weather cooperates!
Go Lady Dawgs!!
(Go link up Jamie and tell us what you are loving today!)
{1} How was your Valentine's Day? Sadly, just another day....
{2} What is your favorite flower? I love daisies, sunflowers, and daffodils.
Did your honey get them for you? Heck no! :(
{3} Was Valentine's Day a big deal when you were a kid? My mama made every holiday special. She always got us a card and a little gift, mainly just so we'd know that we were special to her.....I miss her so much....
{4} Did you put up any Valentine's Day decorations? (bonus points for a picture) I put up a few cardboard cutouts in my classroom.... :)
(These cutouts are soooooo mama bought them for me when I first started teaching, 28 years ago!)
{5} Do you have any Valentine's Day traditions? No, sadly, we don't have any traditions. I try to show love all year round!
(Go link up with Mamarazzi....I did!)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
My Happy List
I'm linking up with Mamarazzi for this week's edition of
I'm happy that it's Valentine's Day and I have a wonderful family that I love with all of my heart. My children, as imperfect as they are, and my husband, who is even more imperfect, are JUST RIGHT for me.
I'm happy that I'm am striving to be a better blogger. I've been MIA for a month or so but am going to try to get myself together and make a return to the www.
I'm happy that I've started crocheting again. Mind you, I'm not making beautiful sweaters and afghans, or elaborate hats and scarves, but I've taken an interest in the craft again after many, many, many years. We'll see where it goes from here!
I'm happy that tomorrow is payday....
For February to be a short month, it has been too long since we were last paid.
I'm happy that Mamarazzi posted this ultra-cute Valentine's music video! Watch, listen, and enjoy!!
For February to be a short month, it has been too long since we were last paid.
I'm happy that Mamarazzi posted this ultra-cute Valentine's music video! Watch, listen, and enjoy!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
I'm back....
I've been wondering to myself why I've not made any blog entries lately...
Am I being lazy?
Am I too busy?
Am I at a loss for words?
Am I keeping secrets?
Is life around here boring?
Nothing happens that worth writing about?
Well, I really don't know the answer for myself, but I'm going to make a conscious effort to get back into the swing of chronicling my thoughts and our family's activities.

I love reading everyones' blogs, and I've not even been doing that lately....
What a slacker I am. :(
I'm going to try to do better....but only time will tell.
My fingers are crossed....I'm going to rebound from this bloggy slump!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
WWTK Wednesday...on Thursday, once again!
{1} Which of the following phrases characterizes how you live your life?
a. You only live once
b. test the water before jumping in
c. stability is the key to life
Our family is at the "test the water before jumping in" stage. With three independent, strong-willed teenagers living under one roof, we are always undertaking new adventures and being challenged with new ideas, thoughts, and actions. It seems that all three are suddenly trying to decide where they fit in and making decisions as to their future life pathways. God help us live through this stage....
{2} What were you doing the last time you had a really good laugh? I was talking with a who said that a penguin was a fish... :)
{3} Who is the last person you hugged? my daughter Lawren...
{4} What song always makes you happy when you hear it? Although I don't hear these nearly enough, "Animal" by Neon Trees .....
and "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train make me very happy :))
{5} What's the first thing you thought about this morning? Toooooooo early.....
(Go link up with Mamarazzi....I did!)
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