Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up with Jamie for this week's edition of
What I'm Loving Wednesday....
I'm loving
the MCHS volleyball team.  They played in a tournament this past weekend in Orangeburg, and the regular season starts on Sept. 12th.  Go Bulldogs!!
I'm loving
that my students and I are studying responsibility, setting goals and managing stress.  The kids are paying attention and learning a lot.  I'm very, very proud of all of them!

I'm loving
that the Carolina Cyclones are playing in a showcase tournament this weekend in Florence. The girls will play three games on Saturday (10:40 AM, 2:00 PM, and 6:40 PM), and two games on Sunday (2:40 and 4:20 PM).  I'm certainly looking forward to the time we'll spend at Freedom Florence, and hope that the weather is nice!

I'm loving
this picture of Jesus that hangs in our Sunday school classroom, and this little verse that I saw on Facebook this morning:
He forgives.
He saves.
He protects.
He loves.
With Jesus, I am complete.

And of course, and as usual,
I'm loving

Charles, my 18-year-old baby.... 
 Lawren and Mary Jo, spirit and life here on earth....
and Chuck, my sweet, hard-working husband!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I'm linking up, once again, with Carissa for one of my weekly favs...
M I S C E L L A N Y   M O N D A Y
So Charles finally went to work today, but not with the guy he was supposed to start with three weeks ago.  He connected with a man who runs (?) chicken houses, so he had to be out on the farm at 7:00 AM.  He came home tired, nasty, and satisfied after a productive days work.  I'm proud of you Charles....keep up the good work!

I got a new student today.  He moved back to Marlboro from Fayetteville where he'd been living with a relative.  He seems like a nice, well-mannered young man....hopefully my first impression of him is correct and his pleasant behavior will continue.

I continue to be hooked on hummus.  I've made my second recipe of it, and this time added roasted red bell pepper.  It is really delicious.  You could dip a piece of shoe leather in it and it would still be yummy! 
My den carpet is once again clean.  When I got home from school this afternoon, I jumped right into my project of vacuuming and shampooing the pet stains from the floor.  I simply could not stand it any longer.  Now, at least for a while, poor Pippi will have to stay in the tiled kitchen and laundry room....and she's depressed.... :(

I wish I could find a medical study that focuses on stuffy sinuses.  Mine are completely blocked, and I've taken two rounds of antibiotics and a round of Prednisone.  No results!  I cannot remember what it feels like to simultaneously breathe out of two nostrils.  I'll go see another doctor soon, and will hopefully get well finally! 

Monday's Music Moves Me


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday 9: I Fought the Law

1. Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?  Almost....that's all I'm going to say...

2. What was the last thing you described as either “surprisingly good” or “surprisingly bad?”  Well, yesterday I made a cheese dip with ground beef in it for the kids at Postgame on Main to eat....and it was "surprisingly good"..even with the meat in it!

3. When was the last time you unintentionally surprised someone else?  I walked into a neighbor teacher's classroom and spoke to her, and I startled a physically handicapped girl in a wheelchair who had her back to the door....sorry Jazz...

4. When was the last time you deliberately surprised someone else? It must have been a long time ago because I honestly cannot remember....sorry...

5. What was the last really funny movie you watched?  Well, "Fried Green Tomatoes" has been on CMT a lot for the past few weekends, so I've seen that....and it definitely has some funny parts....

6. What is something that you've never done that you secretly are dying to do?  I'd love to get in my car and drive for about a month with no destination in mind....just ride and enjoy our beautiful country... 

7. What do you hope is different in your life by August 2012?  I hope that I weigh a lot less, so I've got to get in gear and make a change!

8. Who is the last person you greeted at your door? At my house door, probably Postgame on Main last night at church, a lot of spirited teenagers....and at school, all of my students and whomever else walked down the hallway....I love to speak to all of the kids as they are hustling to their classes.

9. If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?  I have no clue....probably somewhere here in the US, but no cities here are really considered ancient....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Photo Flashback

I could not resist linking up and sharing a picture of my first born...who will turn 18 tomorrow, August 27. 2011.
Happy Birthday Charles....
I love you!

Blog Stalk Friday

I'm linking up with Rockin' Mama for
Blog Stalk Friday...

Join in and
make new friends...

Five Question Friday

I'm linking up with Mama M at Five Crooked Halos for

1. Did you make any fun purchases this week?  That would be a big, fat NO!  School is just starting back and my money is tight....

2. If you could go to any musical concert, what would it be?  I'd love to take my husband to a Jimmy Buffet concert....his enjoyment would be a thrill for me!!

3. What is your least fav/ most fav house chore?  Like Mama M, I have no fav household chore.  I detest them all!  I especially dislike cleaning the bathrooms and emptying the dishwasher...but thank goodness I have a dishwasher to empty, right?  I guess my "fav" would be vacuuming....but it's a slim favorite!  :)

4. Would you prefer new appliances or clothes?  I'd love to have new clothes, but I'd also love to have a new double oven.  

5. Miracle Whip or Mayo?  DUKES mayo...ALL THE WAY!  No Miracle Whip for me and my fam!

Friday Fill-Ins


1. How in the world did I survive having three babies in less than two years?

2. Stand right here  in front of me.

3. Life's a dance you learn as you go.

4. The softball team often enjoys a picnic lunch.

5. That was where we first fell in love.

6. The beach is the place that I think of as "our place".

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Postgame on Main, tomorrow my plans include either sleeping late or going to Orangeburg to the girls' volleyball tournament and Sunday, I want to go to Sunday school and church, and then relax!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays I'm linking up with Neely and Amber for
"It's OK" Thursdays....
Looks like a lot of fun! 

It's OK...

..that the Bath Fitter man came to our house this morning with the wrong tub....we haven't even gotten to use the new shower yet! splurge every now and then and have a Snickers peanut butter candy bar after a school-salad lunch.

..that Chuck has to go out of town tonight to evaluate a class and I don't have to cook supper....the kids and I can just eat a sandwich or run pick up some fast food. pray that hurricane Irene misses the SC coast and just blows on out to the middle of the ocean. think that working at MCHS with self-contained special education students is the best job I've ever hat!

..that sometimes you see so much spirit in your students that you end up having a good laugh at yourself and your reactions to their take on the world. think that "boys will be boys," but you hope that your boy doesn't make foolish choices like the ones who vandalized Charles' truck yesterday afternoon while he played golf.

...that you arrange your Wed., Thurs., and Sun. evening schedules around the Big Brother TV time slot.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday

Hosted by Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso....go link up!

 1. What is the best advice someone has ever given you?  The best pieces of advice given to me came from my mama....she molded and shaped me into who I am today.  She mostly imparted old sayings, and her delivery was always right on time....thanks Mama!  I miss you so much!  

2. What is your greatest accomplishment?
  My greatest accomplishments are my three healthy, well-rounded, independent children, and my Ed.S. degree in Special Education.

3. Who do you admire?  I admire many people, especially my husband, my siblings, and my parents.

4. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?  I would change my weight....wish it was easy, but it's definitely not....

5. How do you want to be remembered?  I'd like to be remembered as someone who made a difference in the lives of my family and my students.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Our weekend was great!  I got to sleep late (really late) on Saturday, and then Chuck and I went out for supper.  On Sunday, L and MJ played softball in Hartsville.  When we got home from the tournament, I ran to the grocery store and then cooked baked spaghetti....and it was yummy!  I could definitely get used to laid back weekends like this since we are back into the groove of school and everything that goes along with a busy schedule.

Speaking of far I'm having fun!  I do have five back-to-back classes, but my largest class has only 10 students.  I can live with that....
Bath Fitters comes today to redo Chuck's bathroom.  I am super excited for his to be done because that means my bathroom will be reworked next!

I love to hear the rain fall on our new metal roof.  We had a thunderstorm last night and the sounds of the drops hitting the top of the house was sooo soothing.

I have a special education meeting at the school district office tomorrow afternoon right after school, so I have to ask Mom Lawren and Mary Jo to let me use my car....hopefully there won't be any cross-eyed glares or pouty lips and I can go to my meeting with my sanity intact...

I had to have the "blood is thicker than water" talk AGAIN last night.  It seems that MJ's bf and Charles are not getting along because Charles tells the truth about things and some people consider that "snitching."  Well, as I told MJ, Charles is your brother, and your family will be there for you long after others learn to get along together or we'll curtail activities with those who cannot....
(She says everything is OK now...)

Go link up with Carissa and tell us what you're thinking about on this Monday!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hot Saturday Night Date :)

What started out as a lazy Saturday ended in one of the best ways possible...

All of the kids have gone their separate ways....
MJ is at the mudbog...
Lawren is with L while she babysits....
Charles is at the pool....

Chuck and I are on our own so we

went out on a hot date

to the truck stop at I95...

Wendy's for a baked potato and chicken sandwich
and then on to Dairy Queen for a
buy one, get one half-price

Yes, we are party animals!

Saturday 9: You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

Saturday 9: You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

1. In a relationship, have you ever hung in even when you knew for sure it was over?  Nope....when I knew it was over, I handed him two paper grocery bags and told him to pack his *stuff* and get out of my house!
2. If you had the ability to perpetually alleviate any pain on your body, what would it be? I'd get rid of the pain in my knees....having no cartilage is miserable! :(
3. What place would you visit if money were no object? I'd go to Austria....
4. What is one thing you would love to change about yourself?  I'd love to change my weight.  I'm trying to change my eating habits (again) so that I can lose weight.
5. Do you think your parents were too strict growing up? No, my mama was not too strict.  She just instilled in us the importance of making good choices and doing the right thing.  Of course, we all had a healthy, somewhat fearful, respect for her too!
6. In general, how many old friends do you have that you talk to at least once a year?  Maybe one in person, but more on Facebook...
7. What was the last compliment you received? Chuck constantly compliments me...he''s so good to me and I love him so much!
8. Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't really mean it?  Nope...never!
9. In your opinion, would it be harder to lose someone close to you more as a child or harder as an adult?  I cannot imagine losing one of my children, and it was really tough losing my is never easy to lose someone who is close to you no matter what their age.

Friday, August 19, 2011

WTF - Friday

Hey y'all!  Happy Friday!
Go "here" and link up to answer these truly twisted questions....

1) If you were forced to live for a year in a shopping mall, a museum, or a zoo, which would you choose and why?  I'd probably choose a least it would be quiet, cool, and peaceful most of the time...

2) If there was a male version of Victoria's Secret, what would you think it should be called?  It would be called "Victor Wants Trashy Undies Too!"

3) My boyfriend says he wants Weezer's song "Death and Destruction" played at our wedding. What would be a song you'd never expect to hear played at a wedding?  "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off"...of course that might be appropriate for the honeymoon :)

4) If your brain worked like a cell phone and could have applications, what three apps would you most want to be able to run inside your head?  Unlimited memory, GPS capability, and a calculator!

5) You're feeling the desire to act like a kid again and you've been challenged to a "gun" fight. Which do you choose -- a water gun, a Nerf ball gun, or a gun that shoots marshmallows?  As hot as it has been lately, definitely a water gun fight!

6) What is your opinion of pet cemeteries?  Creepy....just dig a hole in a corner of the back yard and plant your dead pet....they are biodegradable and will make the grass grow greener!

7) I woke up to discover that my new puppy had climbed into my laundry basket full of clean clothes and pooped. Talk about a crappy way to start your day. What is a sure-fire way to start your day off wrong?  When three teenagers start arguing about who's going into the bathroom first!

8) How much money would a company have to offer you for you to agree to cover your personal car in an advertisement?  You don't have to pay most people to do their cars like this....lots of teenagers in our town think this is cool....but you'd have to pay me A LOT to do it to my car!!
9) If you suddenly found yourself living in a country (like North Korea) that is hated by pretty much the rest of the world, would you try to move or stay where you are and hope things get better?  I'd move as quickly as I could...
10) If you could choose between being invisible or being able to fly, which of these two superpowers would you choose?  I'd so love to be able to fly....that would be sooooo cool, but I'd probably like being invisible so I could find out exactly what my children are doing when they think I'm not around.

Friday Confessional


I'm linking up with Mamarazzi over at Dandelion Wishes for this week's edition of
Friday Confessional...

I confess....
that the first week back at school has been AWESOME!
I know that it was my calling to be a special ed teacher and I am
so lucky to have landed a position at the high school level!

I confess....
that I'm a little excited about the cooler weather that we've been having here in the South.  It is so nice not to sweat when walking from the house to the car or when walking out to the street to check the mail.

I confess....
that I find it quite amusing that there may be some Facebook-posting jealousy issues between MJ and her bf....hopefully they will see that teen love is usually temporary and will quit taking things so seriously.

I confess....
that I'm relieved that I was not chosen to be the varsity softball coach. 
The absolute right person for the job was selected, and I sincerely congratulate
Donald Cheek!  He will do a jam-up job with the team!

I confess....
that I hate hardly anything, but...
I do HATE flies!
OMG....they are swarming here in the school building and at home. 
I feel like I'm stuck in the Amityville Horror movie!
Flies are YUCKY!!!
Amityville Horror - Flies

Friday Fill-Ins


1. It's fun to  be a high school special ed teacher....never a dull moment_.

2. _Homemade frozen custard_ is easy to make.

3. I like to be _independently wealthy_.

4. _Why some people have such negative attitudes, I will never know!

5. Something I'm very much excited about  the beginning of high school volleyball season_.

6. _Childbirth_ was well worth it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my niece's birthday party_, tomorrow my plans include _sleeping late and working on laundry_ and Sunday, I want to _go to a softball tournament in Hartsville and watch the Carolina Cyclones dominate!

Boost My Blog Friday

Go over to Design It Chic and link up with
Boost My Blog Friday!

Make new friends, but keep the old;
One is silver and the others gold.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sweet 16s!

I know it's late, but I'm just now settling down long enough to blog...
and I want to wish a

to my two sweet babies....

 A mere sixteen years ago today, I met two little angels who have
forever changed my life....

Both are such joy to be around....most of the time!
 Sweet, loving, gentle, and kind....when they want to be!
And they are mine....
 I love them more today than I did the day they were born...
Happy birthday Mary Jo and Lawren...
I love you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My go to outfit for a dress-up occasion like a wedding is a tea length dress in black. It is about the only dressy outfit that I have....add pearls and strappy sandals and I'm ready to go....

2. This week has been    laid back and easy-going....sleeping late and pool-time in the afternoons.....

3. When it's dinnertime and I'm feeling lazy I'll usually eat a bowl Ramen noodles....if Chuck's home, I have to prepare something...or either he gets take-out....

4. My favorite pair of shoes is   my Crocs and my Birks....any old pair is a favorite!!

5. A random item that I own that is completely unnecessary, but that I could never part with is   a magnet from my mama's refrigerator that says, "Look What My Grandchild Did!"  Hopefully one day I'll be able to post something on my refrig that my grandchild made...   .

6. My favorite person is       actually four three children and my husband!

7. If I were going to write my own blank it would say          "If I were a character in my all-time favorite movie, I would be_____."
I linked up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do...go do the same! 

Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins is hosted by Janet
Go link up and join the fun!


1. How can I  make some extra money?

2.  Don't ever smoke weed ....ever!

3. My hair has a mind of its own.

4. My 30th high school reunion was held last summer....and I didn't go.

5. My favorite summer fruits are blueberries, strawberries, and peaches.

6. OMG...what was that?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to supper cooked by Lawren, tomorrow my plans include hanging out here at home and laundry and Sunday, I want to go to Sunday school and church, and have a nice afternoon with my family....oh, and L and MJ have SB practice!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

OMG're not going to demonstrate, are you?

I saw this video on another blogger's page.  When I watched it, I knew I had to share also. 

The video so reminded me of the evening I discussed using tampons with my twin daughters.  I thinkk I'll always remember MJ saying in a horrified squeal, "Oh my God're not going to demonstrate, are you?"

WARNING:  Period talk...but it's very, very funny!!

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I love linking up with Jamie each week for
What I'm Loving Wednesday....

I'm loving...
the past few afternoons that the girls and I have spent sunning and swimming at the Family Swim Club....and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter, so I guess we'll be there again!
I'm loving...
sleeping late each day, because all of that will end too soon....
back to work at MCHS!  Go Bulldogs!!
I'm loving...
the new season of Big Brother!
Please house guests, vote to evict Rachel!
I'm loving....
that Charles has the offer of a full-time job with a construction company.  He has also decided that he'd like to go to the SC Fire Academy in the near future...
Thank you, Jesus, so helping him to move forward!
I'm loving....
that the movie "The Help" is coming out on Aug. 10th.  I read the book and cannot wait to see the film at the theater..
While in Cheraw last week, I went to visit "Bill," the lady who kept me and kept house for our family when I was little.  Sadly, she is suffering from dementia and did not even know who I was.....more about her at another time....

Happy Wednesday, er...Thursday everyone!! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday


{1} If you could spend a day with a blogger, who you haven't met in real life, who would you choose?  I don't know one in particular, but I'd like to spend a day with a blogger with a lot of children...

{2} What website do you check first when you go online?  I check my first and then my school email account...

{3} What is something you are saving money for right now?  I'm trying to save so I can redo my bedroom....

{4} What is your go to silly face when a silly face is needed? (post a pic of it and be entered to win a prize from Mamarazzi)

{5} How do you relieve stress?  I cook....and eat....